You can generate and process inbound and outbound test files to simulate exchanging files with your trading partner.

You can review generated test files on the Files page and all processed transactions on the Transactions page.

Inbound test files

Generating an inbound test file triggers any configured webhooks, so this is a great method for testing your entire inbound EDI processing flow.

To generate and send an inbound test file:

  1. Do one of the following:

    • Go to the Files page.
    • Go to the Trading partners page, click a partnership, and go to its inbound transaction settings.
  2. Click Test inbound.

  3. Select a Partnership and an Inbound transaction setting.

  4. Edit the Transaction payload to include realistic or actual data from your system. The payload editor validates your data as you change it.

    • If the guide associated with this transaction setting has sample files, you can choose a Sample and load its data into the editor.
  5. Click Ingest file.

Stedi immediately begins processing the file. The processed file will trigger any configured webhook.

Outbound test files

Outbound test files contain a T in the Usage element of the ISA header. This indicates that the file is a test file and should not be processed by your trading partner’s production system. Sometimes, your trading partner will provide you with a dedicated test SFTP/FTPS or AS2 connection. If they have done so, be sure to assign the test connection to your outbound transaction setting.

To generate and send an outbound file:

  1. Do one of the following:

    • Go to the Files page.
    • Go to the Trading partners page, click a partnership, and go to its outbound transaction settings.
  2. Click Test outbound.

  3. Select a Partnership and an Outbound transaction setting.

  4. (Optional) Set Advanced settings. For example, you may want to set a Filename if your trading partner has specific requirements for the file name. If you do not specify a filename, Stedi generates a unique file name using a UUID.

  5. Edit the Transaction payload to include realistic or actual data from your system. The payload editor validates your data as you change it.

    • If the guide associated with this transaction setting has sample files, you can choose a Sample and load its data into the editor.
  6. Click Continue and then click Send EDI.

Stedi immediately begins generating the test file and sends it to your trading partner over the configured connection.