You need the following configuration for each new trading partner.

Inbound and Outbound file processing flow


A partnership defines the EDI relationship between you and your trading partner.

Inside your partnership, you’ll define all of the configuration specific to exchanging files with your partner, including the connection protocol, transaction settings, whether to send automatic acknowledgments, and more.


A connection configures the protocol you’ll use to exchange files with your partner. This can be SFTP/FTPS or AS2.

Stedi automatically processes inbound files your partner sends over the connection. When you call Stedi’s API to generate an outbound EDI file, Stedi automatically delivers it to your partner through the connection you configure for the partnership.

Transaction settings

You’ll create a transaction setting for each EDI transaction type you plan to send or receive.

Transaction settings tell Stedi which guide (EDI requirements) to use for the transaction type.

  • For inbound transactions, Stedi uses the attached guide to validate and translate the EDI into JSON.
  • For outbound transactions, Stedi uses the guide to validate the JSON payload you submit to the API and then generate a fully-formed EDI file.

Destination webhooks

Destination webhooks are one of the most important integration points with the Stedi platform. They allow you to automatically send data and events from Stedi to any external API.

You’ll configure at least one webhook to send processed transaction data to your business system.