6313 Measured attribute code

Code specifying the attribute measured.

String (AN)
Min 1 / Max 3
AConsolidated weight
Description to be provided.
AAAUnit net weight
[6160] Weight (mass) of goods including any packing normally going with them to a buyer in a retail sale.
AABUnit gross weight
[6292] Weight (mass) of goods including packing but excluding the carrier's equipment.
AACTotal net weight
Total weight of goods excluding packaging.
AADTotal gross weight
[6292] Weight (mass) of goods including packing but excluding the carrier's equipment.
AAEItem gross weight
Gross weight at line item level.
AAFNet net weight
[6048] Weight (mass) of the goods themselves without any packing.
AAGStern thrust
Force exerted by a thruster installed at the stern of a vessel.
AAHBow thrust
Force exerted by a thruster installed at the bow of a vessel.
AAIHydrate content of an alcoholic product at bottling
The hydrate content of an alcoholic product at the moment of bottling.
AAJNumber of units per pallet
The number of units contained on a pallet.
AAKFat content
An indication of the fat content of a product.
AALNet weight
[6160] Weight (mass) of goods including any packing normally going with them to a buyer in a retail sale.
AAMGross tonnage of the vessel
[6300] The measure of the overall size of a ship determined in accordance with the provisions of the International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1969.
AANNet tonnage of the vessel
[6302] The measure of the useful capacity of a ship determined in accordance with the provisions of the International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1969.
AAQPower consumption
Value of energy consumption.
AARHeat dissipation
AASAir flow
AATShock impact
AAUOperative temperature
Temperature identified system or process works according to specifications.
AAVNon operative temperature
Temperature identified system or process does not work according to specifications.
AAWGross volume
The observed volume unadjusted for factors such as temperature or gravity.
AAXNet volume
The observed volume after adjustment for factors such as temperature or gravity.
AAYWater content
Water content in product.
AAZTensile stress
ABBGauge length
Straightness of the item.
The amount of air space taken up by the entity identified in the 6311 qualifier.
ABSItem weight
Weight at line item level.
ABXWeight of conveyance
Tonnage of conveyance.
ABYConveyance summer dead weight
Registered summer dead weight total tonnage of the vessel.
ABZContainerized cargo on vessel's weight
Total weight of containerized cargo on vessel.
ACANon-containerized cargo on vessel's weight
Total weight of non-containerized cargo on vessel.
ACEWeight ascertained
[4240] Endorsement of the true weight (mass) as ascertained or verified by the railway (CIM 81).
ACGChargeable weight
The weight on which charges are based.
ACNEstimated gross weight
Estimated weight (mass) of goods, including packing and excluding carrier's.
ACPEstimated volume
Estimated size or measure of anything in three dimensions.
ACSVessel overall length
Total overall length of the vessel.
ACVLoading meters
The length in a vehicle, whereby the complete width and height over that length is needed for the goods.
ACWNumber of axles
Number of axles of movable equipment or means of transport on wheels.
The revenue-producing load carried by a means of transport.
ADRStart position in the length
The starting position from the beginning of an item located in the length direction.
ADSEnd position in the length
The end position from the beginning of an item located in the length direction.
ADTStart position in the width
The start position from the beginning of an item located in the width direction.
ADUEnd position in the width
The end position from the beginning of an item located in the width direction.
ADVStart position in the thickness
The start position from the beginning of an item located in the thickness direction.
ADWEnd position in the thickness
The end position from the beginning of an item located in the thickness direction.
ADXTransport container actual filling weight
Actual filling weight of a transport container.
ADYTransport container maximum capacity
Maximum capacity of a transport container.
ADZDeclared net weight
The declared net weight of a product or products used for invoicing, customs or transport purposes.
AEALoading height
Maximum height of products or packages loaded onto a given transportation device or equipment such as a pallet.
AEBStacking height
Maximum height up to which the same product or package may be placed one upon the other for storage purposes.
AECCalculated weight
The calculated weight of the item based on the ordered dimensions.
The chemical composition ferrite.
The impurity of the product i.e. the measurement of other chemical elements not normally appearing in a product.
AEFGrain size
The grain size.
The chemical element Lanthanides.
The value of the elasticity.
AEIDrained weight
The weight of a product when all liquids used in the packaging of the product have been removed.
Measurement of the gallium component.
Measurement of the strontium component.
AEMEquipment storage limitation
Maximum storage limit of the equipment.
AENRadioactive index of transport
The index of transport determines the maximum radiation level at a distance of 1m from the external surface.
Activity of radioactive material.
AEPAverage gross weight
Weight which is the outcome of the division of the total gross weight by the number of units.
AEQForward draft
Depth of water from the surface of water to the bottom of the vessel measured at the draft mark of the bow.
AERAfter draft
Depth of water from the surface of water to the bottom of the vessel measured at the draft mark of the stern.
AETTransport equipment gross weight
Weight of a transport equipment including the cargo and carrier's equipment.
AEUTotal transport equipment gross weight
Total weight of all transport equipment including the cargo and carrier's equipment.
AEVAcidity of juice
Acid measurement of juice.
Measurement of force required to drive a standard penetrating stamp.
Measurement of the elastic force using a standard penetrating stamp.
AEYJuice weight per 100 grams
Measurement of weight of juice, based on 100 grams of the entire weight.
AEZFruit skin colour
Measurement of the colouring of the epidermis of a fruit.
AFAngle of bend
AFAFixed incremental measurement
The measurement of the fixed increment.
AFBDurofel D10
Measure of the elastic force of the pulp of a fruit. It is measured with a penetrating stamp with diameter 10.
AFCDurofel D25
Measure of the elastic force of the pulp of a fruit. It is measured with a penetrating stamp with diameter 25.
AFDDurofel D50
Measure of the elastic force of the pulp of a fruit. It is measured with a penetrating stamp with diameter 50.
AFEMaximum stacking weight
The maximum weight which may be stacked upon a product or package without the product or packaging being crushed.
AFFGross measure cube
The total cubic space occupied by an item, taking into account any protruding components, arrived at by multiplying the maximum length, width and height.
AFGPercentage fat content in dry matter
The percentage of fat content in dry matter.
AFHSaccharometric content
Measurement of the sugar content of a solution.
AFIHydrate content of an alcoholic product after bottling
The hydrate content which occurs in an alcoholic product after bottling.
AFJAnhydrous content
The non-water content.
AFKCertified weight
Weight which has been certified.
BBilled weight
BLBreaking load
Description to be provided.
The measurement of the platinum component.
The measurement of the silver component.
The leaning or inclination of a vessel expressed in degrees port or starboard.
The condition of a vessel with reference to its longitudinal axis.
BNCFree water
The volume of water present in a container that is not in suspension in the contained liquid.
Description to be provided.
BNEAPI (American Petroleum Institute) gravity
The relative density of petroleum liquids as specified by a standard developed by the API.
BNFPetroleum gross observed volume
The total volume of all petroleum liquids and sediment and water, excluding free water, at observed temperature and pressure.
BNGPetroleum gross standard volume
The total volume of all petroleum liquids, sediment, and water excluding free water, corrected by the appropriate volume correction factor for the observed temperature and American Petroleum Institute relative density, or density to a standard temperature.
BNHVolume variance
The change in the volume measurement.
BNIPetroleum net standard volume
The total volume of all petroleum liquids, excluding sediment and water and free water, corrected by the appropriate volume correction factor for the observed temperature and American Petroleum Institute gravity relative to density or to a standard temperature.
BNJMaterial on-board quantity, after discharge
The material in vessel tanks, void spaces, and pipelines after discharge.
BNKPetroleum total calculated volume
The total volume of all petroleum liquids, sediment and water corrected by the appropriate volume correction factor for the observed temperature and American Petroleum Institute (API) gravity, relative density, or density to a standard temperature.
BNLPetroleum total observed volume
The total volume of all petroleum liquids, sediment and water and free water at observed temperature and pressure.
BNMInnage gauge distance
The measured distance from the surface of the liquid to a fixed datum plate or to the tank bottom.
BNNPetroleum net standard weight
The total weight of all petroleum liquids excluding sediments, water and free water.
BNOSediment and water in petroleum
The measurement of non-hydrocarbon solid material and water in suspension in petroleum liquid.
BNPObserved reference height, tank
The observed distance from the tank bottom or datum plate to the established reference point.
BNQReference height, tank
The measured distance from the tank bottom or datum plate to the established reference point.
BNRUllage gauge distance
The measured distance from the cargo liquid surface to the reference point.
BNSTrim correction
The correction applied to the observed gauge or observed volume when a vessel is not on an even keel.
BNTBow to bridge distance
The distance between the bow and the bridge of a vessel.
Description to be provided.
Description to be provided.
BSBreaking strength
BSWBreaking strength wet
BWBasis weight
Description to be provided.
Description to be provided.
CTContents of package
In combination with the other data elements of the actual segment this code indicates the measured content of a package.
CVCommercial weight
Item weight considering its maximum possible humidity.
CZCore length
To specify length of core on which product is to be placed.
DDestination weight agreement
The agreed weight of despatched goods whose weight may change during transport.
Diameter of an article.
DLDelta value L
Description to be provided.
Description to be provided.
DSDistance between points
DWWidth, boxcar door
EEstimated new weight
FDeficit weight
Description to be provided.
FIFilament count
Used e.g. in textile, print industries.
FLLongitudinal flatness
FVTransverse flatness
GGross weight
[6292] Weight (mass) of goods including packing but excluding the carrier's equipment.
GWGross weight, maximum
HMHeight, maximum
HTHeight dimension
Numeric value of height.
IBImpact energy
IDInside diameter
LLegal weight
LMLength, maximum
LNLength dimension
(6168) Length of pieces or packages stated for transport purposes.
LNDLost end
Description to be provided.
MMinimum weight
Measurement application is the moisture content of the item.
MWMaximum weight
NActual net weight
The actual weight of the goods excluding packaging.
ODOutside diameter
PRSPre stretch
Measurement identifying the amount an item has been stretched prior to use.
PTNPer tonne
RARelative humidity
Description to be provided.
RJRockwell C
Hardness in the Rockwell C scale.
RMWReam weight
Measurement indication for paper.
RPReduction of area
RUNRun (process)
Description to be provided.
SQShipped quantity
TTare weight
Weight excluding goods and loose accessories.
A measurement in relation to temperature.
TNTime period
Measurement of a specific length of time.
UWeight per unit
[6150] Numeric value of weight.
VHHeight, van door
The height of the door of a van or container.
VWWidth, van door
The width of the door of a van or container.
WAWeight per unit of area
The weight per unit of an area.
WDWidth dimension
Numeric value of width.
WMWidth, maximum
The maximum distance from side to side.
[6150] Numeric value of weight.
WUWeight per unit of length
The weight per unit of length.
XHSide height, flat bed with removable sides
The height of the removable sides of a flat bed truck.
XZSpool size
YSYield stress
ZFSIron plus silicon
ZSLSilicium oxyd
ZWAWaste content
ZZZMutually defined

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