6341 Exchange rate currency market identifier

To identify an exchange rate currency market.

String (AN)
Min 1 / Max 3
AAAParis exchange
The currency exchange rate is set by the Paris exchange.
AABColombian official exchange (Central Bank of Colombia)
The currency exchange rate is set by the Central Bank of Colombia.
AMSAmsterdam exchange
The currency exchange rate is set by the Amsterdam exchange.
ARGBolsa de Comercio de Buenos Aires
Argentina exchange.
ASTAustralian exchange
The currency exchange rate is set by the Australian exchange.
AUSWien exchange
Wiener Boersenkammer.
BELBrussels exchange
Commission de la Bourse Bruxelles.
CANToronto exchange
The currency exchange rate is paid by the Toronto exchange.
CARContractual agreement exchange rate
The currency exchange rate is set by a written or spoken agreement between two or more parties.
CIEUS Customs Information Exchange
Currency rates published by the US Customs Information Exchange, 6 WTC, New York NY 10048-0945, USA.
DENCopenhagen exchange
Koebenhavns Fondsboers.
ECREuropean Community period exchange rate
The currency exchange rate is set for a length of time by the European Community.
FINHelsinki exchange
The currency exchange rate is set by the Helsinki exchange.
FRAFrankfurt exchange
The currency exchange rate is set by the Frankfurt exchange.
IMFInternational Monetary Fund
The currency exchange rate is set by the International Monetary Fund.
LNFLondon exchange, first closing
The currency exchange rate is set by the London exchange at the first closing.
LNSLondon exchange, second closing
The currency exchange rate is set by the London exchange at the second closing.
MILMilan exchange
The currency exchange rate is set by the Milan exchange.
NOROslo exchange
The currency exchange rate is set by the Oslo exchange.
NYCNew York exchange
The currency exchange rate is set by the New York exchange.
PHIPhiladelphia exchange
The currency exchange rate is set by the Philadelphia exchange.
SRESpecific railway exchange currency
Specific rate of exchange applied to currency exchanges between rail companies and partners.
SWEStockholm exchange
The currency exchange rate is set by the Stockholm exchange.
ZURZurich exchange
The currency exchange rate is set by the Zurich exchange.

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