8051 Transport stage qualifier

Qualifier giving a specific meaning to the transport details.

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1Inland transport
Transport by which goods are moved from or to the frontier, or between inland points.
2At the statistical territory limit
Point by which the means of transport are presumed to have left the statistical territory of despatch or to have entered the statistical territory of arrival.
10Pre-carriage transport
Transport by which the goods are moved prior to their main carriage transport.
11At border
Transport by which goods are moved to the Customs frontier.
12At departure
Transport by which goods are moved from the place of departure.
13At destination
Transport by which goods are moved at the place of destination.
14At the statistical territory limit
Transport by which the goods are presumed to have left the statistical territory of dispatch or have entered the statistical territory of arrival.
20Main-carriage transport
The primary stage in the movement of cargo from the point of origin to the intended destination.
21Main carriage - first carrier
The first carrier of the ordered transport when more than one carrier is involved.
22Main carriage - second carrier
The second carrier of the ordered transport when more than one carrier is involved.
23Main carriage - third carrier
The third carrier of the ordered transport when more than one carrier is involved.
24Inland waterway transport
Transport by which goods are moved via an inland body of water.
25Delivery carrier all transport
Carrier responsible from the point of origin to the final delivery destination.
26Second pre-carriage transport
Second transport by which the goods are moved prior to their main carriage transport.
27Pre-acceptance transport
The transport by which the goods are moved to the place of acceptance.
28Second on-carriage transport
Second transport by which the goods are moved after the main carriage transport.
30On-carriage transport
Transport by which the goods are moved after the main carriage transport.

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