6343 Currency qualifier

Code giving specific meaning to data element 6345 Currency.

String (AN)
Min 1 / Max 3
1Customs valuation currency
The name or symbol of the monetary unit involved in the transaction for customs valuation.
2Insurance currency
The name or symbol of the monetary unit involved in the transaction for insurance purposes.
3Home currency
The name or symbol of the local monetary unit.
4Invoicing currency
The name or symbol of the monetary unit used for calculation in an invoice.
5Account currency
The name or symbol of the monetary unit to be converted from.
6Reference currency
The name or symbol of the monetary unit to be converted.
7Target currency
The name or symbol of the monetary unit to be converted into.
8Price list currency
The name or symbol of the monetary unit used in a price list.
9Order currency
The name or symbol of the monetary unit used in an order.
10Pricing currency
The name or symbol of the monetary unit used for pricing purposes.
11Payment currency
The name or symbol of the monetary unit used for payment.
12Quotation currency
The name or symbol of the monetary unit used in a quotation.
13Recipient local currency
The name or symbol of the local monetary unit at recipient's location.
14Supplier currency
The name or symbol of the monetary unit normally used by the supplier.
15Sender local currency
The name or symbol of the local monetary unit at sender's location.
16Tariff currency
The currency as per tariff.
17Charge calculation currency
The currency in which the charges are calculated.
18Tax currency
The currency in which tax amounts are due or have been paid.

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