IFTIAG Dangerous cargo list

The International Forwarding and Transport Dangerous Cargo List Message is a message: - from the party acting on behalf of the carrier for the gathering of the dangerous goods information of the cargo in a certain port or place of call or loading, - to the party acting on behalf of the carrier in the next port or place of call or discharge, conveying the information relating to one conveyance or voyage of a means of transport such as a vessel, train, truck or barge, on the dangerous goods being carried on board - irrespective of the operations that will take place in the next port of call. This message provides the basic information by which the message recipient can notify to the local authorities about the loading, unloading and transit-related operations, by means of the International forwarding and transport dangerous goods notification message (IFTDGN).

Message IFTIAG is not present in EDIFACT Release D21A. Please switch to one of the following releases to view the documentation.
Appears in
  1. Released 2002
    1. EDIFACT Release D02A
    2. EDIFACT Release D02B
  2. Released 2001
    1. EDIFACT Release D01A
    2. EDIFACT Release D01B
    3. EDIFACT Release D01C
  3. Released 2000
    1. EDIFACT Release D00A
    2. EDIFACT Release D00B
  4. Released 1999
    1. EDIFACT Release D99A
    2. EDIFACT Release D99B
  5. Released 1998
    1. EDIFACT Release D98A
    2. EDIFACT Release D98B
  6. Released 1997
    1. EDIFACT Release D97A
    2. EDIFACT Release D97B
  7. Released 1996
    1. EDIFACT Release D96A
    2. EDIFACT Release D96B

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