375 Tariff Service Code

Code specifying the types of services for rating purposes

Identifier (ID)
Min 2 / Max 2
BBBarge-to-Barge -- Rate applies for shipments in barge carrier terminal to barge carrier terminal service.
BDBarge-to-Door -- Rate applies for shipments in barge carrier terminal to door service.
BMBarge-to-Motor -- Rate applies for shipments in barge carrier terminal to motor service.
BOBarge-to-Terminal -- Rate applies for shipments in barge carrier terminal to ocean carrier's port/terminal service.
BPBarge-to-Pier -- Rate applies for shipments in barge carrier terminal to ocean carrier's port/terminal pier service.
BRBarge-to-Rail -- Rate applies for shipments in barge carrier terminal to rail carrier terminal service.
DBDoor-to-Barge -- Rate applies for shipments in door to barge carrier's terminal service.
DDDoor-to-Door -- Rate applies for shipments in door to door service.
DMDoor-to-Motor -- Rate applies for shipments in door to motor terminal service.
DODoor-to-Terminal -- Rate applies for shipments in door to ocean carrier's port/terminal service.
DPDoor-to-Pier -- Rate applies for shipments in door to ocean carrier's port/terminal pier service.
DRDoor-to-Rail -- Rate applies for shipments in door to rail terminal service.
HHHouse-to-House -- Rate applies for cargo shipped in containers where the stuffing and stripping thereof is performed by or for the account of the shipper and/or consignee, at their respective locations beyond ocean carrier's port terminals.
HPHouse-to-Pier -- Rate applies for cargo shipped in containers where the stuffing is performed by or for the account of the shipper at its facility beyond the ocean carriers' origin port terminal and the stripping thereof is performed by or for the account of the ocean carrier at the destination port terminal.
MBMotor-to-Barge -- Rate applies for shipments in motor carrier terminal to barge carrier terminal service.
MDMotor-to-Door -- Rate applies for shipments in motor carrier terminal to door service.
MLRate applies for Mini-Landbridge
MMMotor-to-Motor -- Rate applies for shipments in motor carrier terminal to motor terminal service.
MOMotor-to-Terminal -- Rate applies for shipments in motor carrier terminal to ocean carrier's port/terminal service.
MPMotor-to-Pier -- Rate applies for shipments in motor carrier terminal to ocean carrier's port/terminal pier service.
MRMotor-to-Rail -- Rate applies for shipments in Motor Carrier terminal to rail carrier terminal service.
OCRate applies for Overland Common Point
ODTerminal-to-Door -- Rate applies for shipments in ocean carrier's terminal to door service.
OMTerminal-to-Motor -- Rate applies for shipments in ocean carrier's terminal to motor carrier's terminal service.
ORTerminal-to-Rail -- Rate applies for shipments in ocean carrier's to rail carrier service.
OTTerminal-to-Inland -- Rate applies for shipments in Ocean carrier's terminal to an inland terminal point of the ocean carrier.
PBPier-to-Barge -- Rate applies for shipments in pier to barge carrier terminal service.
PDPier-to-Door -- Rate applies for shipments in pier to door service.
PHPier-to-House -- Rate applies for cargo shipped in containers where the stuffing thereof is performed by or for the account of the ocean carrier at the origin port terminal and the stripping thereof is performed by or for the account of the consignee at its facility beyond the ocean carriers' port terminal.
PMPier-to-Motor -- Rate applies for shipments in pier to motor terminal service.
PPPier-to-Pier -- All cargo other than that specified in codes HH, HP or PH whether shipped in containers or otherwise.
PRPier-to-Rail -- Rate applies for shipments in pier to rail terminal service.
RBRail-to-Barge -- Rate applies for shipments in rail carrier terminal to barge terminal service.
RDRail-to-Door -- Rate applies for shipments in rail carrier terminal to door service.
RMRail-to-Motor -- Rate applies for shipments in rail carrier terminal to motor carrier terminal service.
RORail-to-Terminal -- Rate applies for shipments in rail carrier terminal to ocean carrier's port/terminal service.
RPRail-to-Pier -- Rate applies for shipments in rail carrier terminal to ocean carrier's port/terminal pier service.
RRRail-to-Rail -- Rate applies for shipments in rail carrier terminal to rail carrier terminal service.

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