480 Version / Release / Industry Identifier Code

Code indicating the version, release, subrelease and industry identifier of the EDI standard being used, including the GS and GE segments. Positions 1-3, version number, positions 4-6, release and subrelease level of version; positions 7-12, industry or trade association identifier (optionally assigned by user).

String (AN)
Min 1 / Max 12
001000ASC X12 Standards Approved by ANSI in 1983
002000ASC X12 Standards Approved by ANSI in Feb, 1986
002001Draft Standards Approved by ASC X12 in November 1987
002002Draft Standards Approved by ASC X12 through February 1988
002003Draft Standards Approved by ASC X12 through August 1988
002031Draft Standards Approved by ASC X12 Through February 1989
002040Draft Standards Approved by ASC X12 Through May 1989
002041Draft Standards Approved by ASC X12 Through October 1989
002042Draft Standards Approved By ASC X12 Through February 1990.
003000ASC X12 Standards Approved by ANSI in 1992
003010Draft Standards Approved By ASC X12 Through June 1990.
003011Draft Standards Approved By ASC X12 Through October 1990.
003012Draft Standards Approved By ASC X12 Through February 1991.
003020Draft Standards Approved By ASC X12 Through June 1991.

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