1224 Contribution Code

Code indicating the category of contribution.

Identifier (ID)
Min 2 / Max 2
ACAll Categories of Contribution
Employee contributions are split based on the participant's elected percentages
EAEmployer Contribution Amount
EBEmployee Pretax Basic
Regular occurring employee pretax contributions
ECEmployee Post-Tax Basic
Regular occurring employee post-tax contributions
EDEmployer Discretionary (Profit Sharing)
EIEmployee Pretax Individual Retirement Account
Employee pretax contributions to the employee's IRA
EMEmployer Discretionary
Optional employer contributions usually based upon the employee account balance or a flat or fixed amount to all employees
EPEmployee Pretax
EREmployee Post-Tax Individual Retirement Account
Employee post-tax contributions to the employee's IRA
ESEmployee Pretax Supplemental
Special occurring employee pretax contributions
ETEmployee Post-Tax
EUEmployee Post-Tax Supplemental
Special occurring employee post-tax contributions
ICClaimant Contribution Amount
MBEmployer Pretax Match Basic
Regular occurring employer matching contributions based upon employee pretax contributions. Regular occurring means that they happen based upon some predetermined frequency (i.e., with every deposit, quarterly, etc.)
MSEmployer Pretax Match Supplemental
Special occurring employer matching contributions based upon employee pretax contributions. Special occurring means that they happen based upon some event such as quarterly profits, annual bonus, etc
MTEmployer Post-Tax Match Basic
Regular occurring employer matching contributions based upon employee post-tax contributions
MUEmployer Post-Tax Match Supplemental
Special occurring employer matching contributions based upon employee post-tax contributions
NCNonqualified Matching Contribution
NQNon-Qualified Voluntary Employee Contribution
PBPrior Plan Employee Pretax Basic
The amount contributed by an employee under the original plan. These contributions may have been subject to company match. The original plan has been superseded by a new plan. The current plan requires different handling of pretax basic contributions
PSPrior Plan Employee Post-Tax Supplemental
The amount contributed by an employee under the original plan. These contributions would not have been subject to company match. The original plan has been superseded by a new plan. The current plan requires different handling of post-tax supplemental contributions
PTPrior Plan Employee Post-Tax Basic
The amount contributed by an employee under the original plan. These contributions may have been subject to company match. The original plan has been superseded by a new plan. The current plan requires different handling of post-tax basic contributions
QCEmployer Qualified Nonelective Contribution
QEQualified Voluntary Employee Contribution
QMQualified Matching Contribution
QPQualified Employee Stock Option Plan
A plan where the company purchases stock for the employees
RARollover 401(A)
The employee's post-tax account balance which is transferred from one qualified 401A plan to another. A rollover avoids the tax liability for plan distributions
RKRollover 401(K)
The employee's pretax account balance which is transferred from one qualified 401K plan to another. A rollover avoids the tax liability for plan distributions
RPEmployer Pretax
RSPrior Plan Employee Pretax Supplemental
The amount contributed by an employee under the original plan. These contributions would not have been subject to company match. The original plan has been superseded by a new plan. The current plan requires different handling of pretax supplemental contributions
RTEmployer Post-Tax
SDSalary Deferral
An amount deferred from an employee's salary towards a vehicle specified by the employee
SPSpousal Individual Retirement Account
Employee contributions direct to the IRA of a spouse
ZZMutually Defined
Category of contributions defined by the trading partners

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