146 Shipment Method of Payment

Code identifying payment terms for transportation charges.

Identifier (ID)
Min 2 / Max 2
11Rule 11 Shipment
BPPaid by Buyer
The buyer agrees to the transportation payment term requiring the buyer to pay transportation charges to a specified location (origin or destination location)
CAAdvance Collect
CDCollect on Delivery
CFCollect, Freight Credited Back to Customer
DEPer Contract
Destination with exceptions as agreed between buyer and seller
DFDefined by Buyer and Seller
FOFOB Port of Call
HPHalf Prepaid
NCService Freight, No Charge
NRNon Revenue
PAAdvance Prepaid
PBCustomer Pick-up/Backhaul
PCPrepaid but Charged to Customer
PDPrepaid by Processor
Identifies the processor as the party responsible for transportation charges for the shipment
PEPrepaid and Summary Bill
PLPrepaid Local, Collect Outstate
POPrepaid Only
PPPrepaid (by Seller)
PSPaid by Seller
The seller agrees to the transportation payment term requiring the seller to pay transportation charges to a specified location (origin or destination location)
RCReturn Container Freight Paid by Customer
RFReturn Container Freight Free
RSReturn Container Freight Paid by Supplier
TPThird Party Pay
WCWeight Condition

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