1017 Claim Type Code

Code identifying the basis and type of a legal claim

Identifier (ID)
Min 1 / Max 2
AAllowed Claim
BGBasis of Claim: Goods Sold
BMBasis of Claim: Money Loaned
BOOther Basis of Claim
BPBasis of Claim: Personal Injury
BRBasis of Claim: Retiree Benefits per 11 USC
BSBasis of Claim: Services Performed
BTBasis of Claim: Taxes
BWBasis of Claim: Wages
PPrepetition Charges
PAUnsecured Priority Claim: Alimony and Support
PBUnsecured Priority Claim: Employee Benefits
PCUnsecured Priority Claim: Commitments to Maintain Capital
PDUnsecured Priority Claim: Deposits
PEUnsecured Priority Claim: Extensions of Credit
PFUnsecured Priority Claim: Farmers or Fishermen
POOther Unsecured Priority Claim
PTUnsecured Priority Claim: Taxes
PWUnsecured Priority Claim: Wages
SMSecured Claim: Motor Vehicle
SOOther Secured Claim
SRSecured Claim: Real Estate
TTotal Claim
UUnsecured Nonpriority Claim

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