695 Independence Code

Code indicating the capability of a carrier participating in the route of a rate to make independent changes to that rate

Identifier (ID)
Min 1 / Max 1
AExpiration date and a carrier's factor may be changed at any time.
BExpiration date may be changed at any time.
CExpiration date and factor may not be changed before the trigger date, but may be changed after the trigger date.
DExpiration date may be changed at any time. Carrier may change its factor only prior to the trigger date.
EExpiration date may be changed at any time. Carrier may change its factor only after the trigger date.
FExpiration date may not be changed before the before the trigger date. It may be changed after the trigger date.
GExpiration date may be changed at any time. Carrier may change its factor only on number of days advance notice as indicated in the transaction.
HExpiration date may be changed only after the number of days advance notice indicated in the transaction
IExpiration date may be changed only after 30 days advance notice.
LDate can be changed at any time. The through-rate can be changed at any time by the proposer.

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