1434 Domain of Computation of Assurance

Code specifying the bounds of the text, whether contiguous or not, over which the computation of the Assurance Token is computed using the defined methodology of computation and any relevant Assurance Token parameters The "body" is defined as a transaction set, beginning with the first byte of the segment immediately following the ST segment terminator and including all segments up to but not including the "S" in the first SVA segment; DO NOT include any S4A segments The "body" can also be defined as a functional group, beginning with the first byte of the segment immediately following the GS segment terminator and including all transaction sets up to but not including the "S" in the first SVA segment at the functional group level; DO NOT include any S3A segments "This Assurance" is defined as from the "S" in S3A or S4A up to and including the segment terminator of that segment "Previous Assurance(s)" is defined as including the entire S3A or S4A segment and the entire corresponding SVA segment that is associated with the S3A or S4A at the same level

Identifier (ID)
Min 1 / Max 2
ABody Only
BBody Plus This Assurance Header Only
CBody Plus All Previous Assurances Plus This Assurance Header
DBody plus All Previous Assurances Only
EThis Assurance Header Only
FAll Previous Assurances Plus This Assurance Header

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