639 Basis of Unit Price Code

Code identifying the type of unit price for an item

Identifier (ID)
Min 2 / Max 2
APAdvise Price
AWAverage Wholesale Price
BDBefore Discount
Full amount for the service prior to application of any appropriate discounts
BWBiweekly Price per Unit
Price charged every two weeks
CPCurrent Price (Subject to Change)
An official certificate, especially any type of the various customs documents required to allow people or goods to cross certain national boundaries
DPDaily Price per Unit
ECEstimated Credit
Indicates the estimated credit value to be provided
EHShift Differential
FBFabrication Cost
FXFixed Price
Buyer and seller agree on a final price; invoice cut for this price; credit for provisional price
HFPer 100 Feet
HPPrice per Hundred
HTPrice Per 100,000
KAPrice with Government Furnished Property
KPEscalated Price
KRIn Stock
LCCatalog Price per Hundred
LDCatalog Price per Dozen
LECatalog Price per Each
LMCatalog Price per Thousand
LRPrevious Catalog Price
MEMidterm Endorsement Price per Unit
A change in coverage that occurs between policy renewals that results in a policy premium change
MLPrice per Milliliter
NCNo Charge
NENot to Exceed
NQNo Quote
NSNot Separately Priced
Indicates a net unit price
P1Price per 1000 Meter
P2Price per Centimeter
P3Price per Decimeter
P4Price per Hectometer
P5Price per Kilometer
P6Price per Millimeter
P7Price per Meter
PAPrice per Troy Ounce
PBAnnual Price Per Unit
Price changed Once per Year
PDPrice per Dozen
PEPrice per Each
PFPrice Per Foot
PGPrice per Gram
PKPrice per Kilogram
PLPrice per Liter
PMMonthly Price Per Unit
PNPrice per Ten
POPrice per Ounce
PPPrice per Pound
PSPrice Per Thousand Square Foot
PTPrice per Ton
PUQuarterly Price per Unit
Price for a quarterly installment of a billed item
PVProvisional Price
Sold on or off the futures market; price not really fixed; product sold at this price
PYPrice per Yard
QEQuoted Price per Each
QHQuoted Price per Hundred
QRPrevious Quoted Price
QSQuoted Price per Thousand
RCRetail Price per Hundred
RDRetail Price per Dozen
RERetail Price per Each
RMRetail Price per Thousand
RSResale Price
SASemi Annual Price per Unit
Price charged twice per year
SCSubmitted Contract
SMSemi Monthly Price per Unit
Price charged twice per month
SRSuggested Retail
Indicates a standard unit price, including all surcharges
SWSubmitted Wholesale
TBTo be negotiated.
TCContract Price per Hundred
TDContract Price per Dozen
TEContract Price per Each
TFPer 1000 Feet
TMContract Price per Thousand
TPPrice per Thousand
TTPrice Per 10,000
UMPrice per Unit of Measure
VQVerbal Quote
Provided by salesman, and nothing is on paper or in electronic file to back up the price
WCWholesale Price per Hundred
WDWholesale Price per Dozen
WEWholesale Price per Each
WIWeekly Price per Unit
Price charged once per week
WMWholesale Price per Thousand

Stedi is a registered trademark of Stedi, Inc. Stedi's EDI Reference is provided for marketing purposes and is free of charge. All names, logos, and brands of third parties listed on our site are trademarks of their respective owners (including “X12”, which is a trademark of X12 Incorporated). Stedi, Inc. and its products and services are not endorsed by, sponsored by, or affiliated with these third parties. Our use of these names, logos, and brands is for identification purposes only, and does not imply any such endorsement, sponsorship, or affiliation.