1831 Wine Quality Designation

Code identifying a regulatory and appellation system which guarantees the quality and authenticity origin of wine

Identifier (ID)
Min 2 / Max 3
AOCAppellation d'origine controlee (AOC)
DODenominaciones de Origen (DO)
DOADenominazione di Origine Controllata (DOC)
DOCDenominaci�n de Origen Calificada (DOCA)
DOGDenominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita (DOCG)
DOPDenominazione Di Origine Proetta (Dop)
DOQDenominaci�n de Origen Calificada (DOCa/DOQ)
IGPIndication Geographique Protegee
IGTIndicazione Geografica Tipica
IWNIce Wine
QBAQualitatswein bestimmter Anbaugebiet (QbA)
QMPQualit�tswein mit Pr�dikat
VDAVino Da Tavola
VDLVino De La Tierra
VDMVinho De Mesa
VDPVerband Deutscher Praedikatsweingueter (Vdp)
VDQVinho De Qualidade
VDSVin De Pays (VDP)
VDTVin De Table
VEMVino De Mesa
VQAVintner Quality Alliance (VQA)
VRGVinho Regional
WOWine of Origin

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