Your trading partner may send you TA1s in response to outbound EDI files.

You may also need to send your trading partner a TA1 and/or a functional acknowledgment (997 or 999) in response to each inbound EDI file. These acknowledgments confirm that you received the transaction and help your trading partner know everything is working as expected.

Stedi can automatically generate acknowledgments for each inbound transaction and deliver them to your trading partner.


TA1 Interchange Acknowledgments indicate receipt of an interchange and identify any errors in the interchange’s envelope (ISA and IEA) information.


You don’t need to create a transaction setting to receive TA1s from your trading partners. Stedi automatically processes inbound TA1s and displays the data in the Files and Transactions pages for inspection.


Stedi can automatically send positive TA1s in response to inbound files. A positive TA1 contains code A in the TA104 element to indicate that the interchange was received successfully and contains no errors.

When configured, Stedi autogenerates a TA1 for every successful inbound EDI transaction received over a partnership connection. If a file fails during validation or processing, Stedi does not send an acknowledgment until the file is processed successfully.

If you specify a connection for automatic acknowledgments, Stedi sends the TA1 to that connection. Otherwise, Stedi sends the TA1 through the connection that received the inbound file.

You can review the TA1s Stedi sends to trading partners on the Files page in the Stedi app.

Enable automatic TA1s

To enable autogenerating outbound TA1s for trading partners:

  1. Go to the partnership.
  2. Click the pencil next to Acknowledgments.
  3. (Optional) Select an existing Connection within the partnership where Stedi will deliver the TA1s.
  4. Select an option under Interchange Acknowledgments (TA1):
    • Never: This is the default setting.
    • When requested: Stedi sends a TA1 only if the inbound file contains 1 in the ISA14 element.
    • Always: Stedi sends a TA1 for every successful inbound transaction received over a connection within this partnership.

997s and 999s

997 Functional Acknowledgments and 999 Implementation Acknowledgments are functional acknowledgments that confirm receipt of a transaction and indicate whether it was accepted or rejected. The acknowledgment also provides information about errors in the transaction, if present. While they serve the same basic purpose, 999s are more detailed than 997s and are currently only used in healthcare.


You must create inbound transaction settings if your trading partner plans to send you 997 or 999 functional acknowledgments.


When sending outbound functional acknowledgments, you should never return both a 997 and a 999 for a given file. 999s are commonly returned for the following healthcare transaction sets:

When configured, Stedi autogenerates a 997 or 999 acknowledgment for every successful inbound EDI transaction received over a partnership connection, even if the transaction set has not been explicitly configured as an inbound transaction setting. Acknowledgments are generated at the functional group level and contain complete ISA and GS envelopes, including control numbers.

If a file fails during validation or processing, Stedi does not send an acknowledgment until the file is processed successfully. Per the X12 EDI specification, Stedi doesn’t generate acknowledgments in response to inbound acknowledgments.

A file.failed.v2 event is emitted when Stedi fails to process a file. You can use this event to trigger a 997 rejection.

Enable automatic 997s or 999s

Before you begin, you must define at least one connection for this partnership.

To enable automatic 997 or 999 generation:

  1. Go to the partnership.
  2. Click the pencil next to Acknowledgments.
  3. Select 997s or 999s.
  4. Select an existing Connection within the partnership. Stedi delivers generated acknowledgments using this connection.
    • (SFTP/FTPS only) Specify an optional Subdirectory. Stedi will deliver generated acknowledgments to this subdirectory. We don’t recommend specifying a subdirectory unless your trading partner has instructed you to do so.
  5. (Optional) Enter a JSONata expression to set a custom filename for generated acknowledgments. Available JSONata expressions are & (Concatenation) and $millis. If you do not set a filename, Stedi uses the File Execution ID.
  6. Click Save.