PASREQ Travel, tourism and leisure product application status request

TBG9 Travel, Tourism and Leisure

The Travel, tourism and leisure product application status request message is sent by either a service supplier to a product supplier to ask if the application or product is available for request or by a product supplier to a service supplier to notify them that they will not be receiving requests during a specified time period.


Max use
  1. A service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message. The message type code for the Travel, tourism and leisure product application status request - interactive message is PASREQ. Note: Travel, tourism and leisure product application status request - interactive messages conforming to this document must contain the following data in segment UIH, composite S306: Data element 0065 PASREQ 0052 D 0054 21A 0051 UN

    1. The value in 0340 shall be unique within the interchange (except for a
    duplicate transfer).
    2. The value(s) in S302 shall be identical to the value(s) in S302 in the
    preceding UIB.
    3. 0035, when used, test applies to the message only.
    4. Dialogue control can be accomplished through the dialogue reference
    (S302). Optionally, if another means of control is chosen, this composite
    data element need not be utilised.
    5. A combination of 0340 and S302 may be used to identify uniquely a message.
  2. A segment providing data pertaining to the originator of the interactive request (e.g., travel agent identity and location and the commercial computer reservations system delivering the message).

  3. Segment group 1
    Repeat 2
    1. A segment to specify the action to be taken, the message, scenario, and dialogue affected, and the supplier of the product.

    2. A segment to specify start and stop dates and times for the action.

    3. A segment to indicate the number of records or messages that a supplier has to send in a data base update message.

    4. Segment group 2
      Repeat 999
      1. A segment to identify the products or services that are affected.

      2. A segment to specify the start and stop dates and times for the action.

    5. Segment group 3
      Repeat 999
      1. A segment to specify the travel agencies by identification numbers and the locations that are affected.

      2. A segment to specify the start and stop dates and times for the action for specific agencies and locations.

      3. Segment group 4
        Repeat 999
        1. A segment to identify the product or service that is affected for the point of sale information.

        2. A segment to specify the start and stop dates and times.

  4. A service segment ending a message, giving the total number of segments in the message (including the UIH & UIT) and the control reference number of the message.

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