27 Customs Inhibit/Clearance Indicator

Code indicating the current customs status of the shipment.

Identifier (ID)
Min 2 / Max 2
DMShipment is domestic.
ECShipment is cleared and released by export customs.
ETShipment awaiting timer expiration or positive action for export customs clearance.
EXShipment is inhibited, awaiting export customs release.
IBIn bond.
ICShipment is cleared and released by import customs.
IRShipment has been released by customs, but import clearance formalities are not yet completed.
ITShipment awaiting timer expiration or positive action for import customs clearance.
IXShipment is inhibited, awaiting import customs release.
NCNot cleared for export.
NEExport customs data not entered or incomplete.
NIImport customs data not entered or incomplete.
TRShipment is in transit.

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