1295 Participant Status Code

Code indicating the status of an individual in a benefit plan

Identifier (ID)
Min 1 / Max 2
Participant has an account balance
ANActive Non-Vested
Participant has an account balance and is not fully vested (as defined by the plan document)
AVActive Vested
Participant has an account balance and is fully vested (as defined by the plan document)
CDeath Not Processed
Participant's vested account balance has not been distributed to the beneficiaries
CDContract Discontinuance
The client has terminated their contract with the service provider
Participant is not contributing to the plan due to disability
DBTermination - Death
Participant's account balance has been distributed to the beneficiaries
DNDeferral - Not Vested
Participant has ended employment and elected to defer distribution of plan benefits. The participant is not fully vested (as defined in the plan document)
DPDelete or Pending Purge
Participant has no account balance, and all tax information has been processed. The participant's information will be deleted from the database
DRDistribution Restricted
Distribution of plan benefits has been restricted by the client
DVDeferral - Vested
Participant has ended employment and elected to defer distribution of plan benefits. The participant is fully vested (as defined in the plan document)
GAGolden Age
Participant has reached the age of 55
KPKeep Participant
Participant has no account balance, and all tax information has been processed; however, the client does not want the participant's information deleted from the database
New enrollment with no account balance
PDPlan Discontinuance
The client has terminated their defined contribution plan
PFPotentially Forfeitable
Participant has terminated employment and received the vested portion of his account balance. The non-vested portion may be forfeited at the client's discretion
Participant may now contribute to the plan, after having fulfilled the suspension period
Participant has retired from the company, but has not received his plan benefits
Employee is restricted from participating in the plan
S1Suspended From Contributing For 1 Year
Participant may not contribute to the plan for one year
S2Suspended From Contributing For 2 Years
Participant may not contribute to the plan for two years
TDTermination - Disability
Participant has ended employment due to disability, and has received his plan benefits
TNTerminated Non-Vested
Participant has ended employment, and has received only the vested portion of his account balance
TRTermination - Retirement
Participant has retired from the company and has received his plan benefits
TSTermination - Severance
Participant has ended employment and has received his plan benefits
TVTerminated Vested
Participant has ended employment, was 100% vested (as defined in the plan document), and has received his entire account balance
USUnit Sale
The client company has sold one of its subsidiaries, and all participants under that location have received their plan benefits

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