368 Shipment/Order Status Code

Code indicating the status of an order or shipment or the disposition of any difference between the quantity ordered and the quantity shipped for a line item or transaction

Identifier (ID)
Min 2 / Max 2
ABAvailable to Ship - Billed Quantity
ANAvailable Now - No Shipping Schedule
ASAvailable Now - Scheduled to Ship (date)
AUAvailable to Ship - Unbilled Quantity
BKBack Ordered from Previous Order
BMBackordered, Manufacturer, Out-of-Stock
BOBack Ordered
BPShipment Partial, Back Order to Ship on (Date)
BTBilled total
BWBilled week-to-date
CACustomer Inquiry - All Items
CBComponents Missing
A shipment made minus components that should have been shipped in order for the shipment to be in compliance with the terms and conditions of a contract
CCShipment Complete on (Date)
CDConsolidated Freight
CEShipment Includes Extra Items to Meet Price Break
CFConsolidated Load
CICustomer Inquiry - Shipped Items Only
CKCancelled from Previous Order
Material on the load is for one producer
CMShipment Complete with Additional Quantity
CNNext Carrier Move on (Date)
COCustomer Inquiry - Unshipped Items Only
CPPartial Shipment on (Date), Considered No Backorder
CSShipment Complete with Substitution
Shipment contains material for more than one producer.
DDDelivered to Destination on (Date)
DEDeleted Order
DODiverted Order
DSOut Of Stock Condition
ECEquipment Capacity
EDExpect to Ship By (Date)
EWExpect To Ship Week of (Date)
EXExpect to Deliver by
FSUnits Not Shipped By Agent - To Be Shipped From Factory.
HQHeld Awaiting Qualification
ICItem Canceled
IDInsufficient Information
INIn Process
IPInquiry by Purchase Order
ISItem Represents Substitution from Original Order
LMShipment late
LSLast Shipment on (Date)
LWNumber of Late Weeks
MCMissing Components Furnished
A shipment which contains components earlier reported as missing from a prior shipment
NFNot Yet Published
NNNot in Process - No Shipping Schedule
NSNot In Process, Scheduled to Ship on (Date)
NYNo Shipping Schedule
OBOut of Bill & Hold Goods
OFOrder Sent to Factory for Production on (Date)
OPOut of Print
ORTemporarily Out of Stock - Reorder
PAPurchase Order Inquiry - All Items
PDPurhcase Order Complete
PHProduct On Hold
PIPurchase Order Inquiry - Shipped Items Only
PKPacked-to-Date as of (Date)
PLPart Lot, Stop Off
Shipment contains material for more than one producer and indicates a drop off of material
PNIn Process - No Shipping Schedule
POPurchase Order Inquiry - Unshipped Items Only
PPPurchase Order Inquiry - Specific Items
PRPartial Shipment
PSIn Process, Scheduled to Ship On (Date)
PTPart Lot
Material in a shipment for one producer which is part of a multi-producer shipment
QNQuantity Net Due
QPQuantity Past Due
RCReleased to Carrier (Date)
Code indicating that material was given to a carrier for shipment
RDRevised Expect to Ship By (Date)
RTReceived Total
RWRevised Expect to Ship Week of (Date)
SAShipment Quantity Increase
A shipment which contains a quantity of items greater than the quantity called for by contract
SBSeconds Available to Ship - Billed Quantity
SCShipment Quantity Decrease
A shipment which contains a quantity of items less than the quantity called for by contract
SDShipped Damaged
SEReplacement Shipment
A shipment of items replacing a previous shipment of items
SFShipped and Held in Bond at Contractor's Plant
A technical ``shipment'' so that an invoice can be processed for payment, but the goods actually remain in bond at a facility awaiting further use or movement
SGShipped and Held as Government-Furnished Property
A technical ``shipment'' so that an invoice can be processed for payment, but the goods actually remain at a facility for incorporation, a government-furnished property, into a further work product
SHShipped (Date)
SIShipment Late, Scheduled to Ship on (Date)
SJShipped or Performed as Indicated
A shipment or performance made according to the terms and conditions of a contract
SKShipment Underrun Quantity
A shipment which contains a quantity of items less than the expected quantity of items but the contract allows for the lesser (unknown) quantity to be accepted in satisfaction of the contract requirement
SLShipped - to - Date through (Date)
SPScheduled for Production at Factory on (Date)
SQScheduled to ship (Summary quantity)
SSSplit Shipment
STStop Off
Intermediate stops will be made by the carrier to drop off material
SUSeconds Available to Ship - Unbilled Quantity
UBUnbilled Quantity Balance
URUnsolicited Report
WSItem Invoiced - Shipment to Follow
ZZMutually Defined

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