1855 Fish Class and Grade

Code Identifying the class and grade of fish

Identifier (ID)
Min 3 / Max 3
CAFClass A Fat
A Class A 'Fat' grade must be a cleaned, properly split herring that has the blood removed from the backbone and is free from rust.
CANClass A No. 4
A Class A 'No.4' grade must be a split herring that does not meet the requirements of Class A 'Fat' and Class A 'Fat Tropic'.
CATClass A Fat Tropic
A Class A 'Fat Tropic' grade must be a cleaned, properly split herring that is free from rust.
CBBClass B Bright
A Class B 'Bright' grade must be a cleaned, properly split herring that has the blood removed from the backbone, is free from rust, and is reasonably white inside.
CBNClass B No. 4 Tropic
Class B 'No. 4 Tropic' must be a split herring that does not meet the requirements of Class B 'Bright' and Class B 'Tropic'.
CBTClass B Tropic
A Class B 'Tropic' grade must be a cleaned, properly split herring that is free from rust.
CLAClass A
A Class A pickled split herring that contains a reasonable amount of fat and that is packaged and graded.
CLBClass B
A Class B pickled split herring that contains no fat, or only a small amount of fat, and that is packaged and graded.
NOONo. 1
A pickled split herring may be packaged and graded 'No. 1' if it is a cleaned, firm, properly split herring that is bright in colour and that has the entrails removed and the blood removed from the backbone.
A pickled split herring may be packaged and graded 'Seconds' if it is a split herring that does not meet the requirements of 'No. 1'.

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