EDI 211 Motor Carrier Bill of Lading

Functional Group BL

X12I Transportation Subcommittee

This Draft Standard for Trial Use contains the format and establishes the data contents of the Motor Carrier Bill of Lading Transaction Set (211) for use within the context of an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) environment. This transaction set can be used to allow shippers or other parties, responsible for contracting with a motor carrier, to provide a legal bill of lading for a shipment. It is not to be used to provide a motor carrier with data relative to a load tender, pick-up manifest, or appointment scheduling.


Max use
  1. To indicate the start of a transaction set and to assign a control number

  2. To transmit identifying numbers, dates, and other basic data related to the transaction set

  3. To allow for positive identification of transaction set purpose

  4. To identify the interline carrier and relevant data

  5. To specify the owner, the identification number assigned by that owner, and the type of equipment

    The MS2 segment is used to provide the carrier with the trailer number of the trailer that has the shipment on it.
  6. To specify instructions in this business relationship or a reference number

  7. To specify pertinent dates and times

  8. To identify Bill of Lading handling and service requirements

  9. To transmit information in a free-form format for comment or special instruction

  10. 0100 Loop Optional
    Repeat 10
    1. To identify a party by type of organization, name, and code

      Loop 0100 is used to specify the parties to the Bill of Lading, including but not limited to, the ship-from, ship-to, or bill-to parties.
    2. To specify additional names or those longer than 35 characters in length

    3. To specify the location of the named party

    4. To specify the geographic place of the named party

    5. To identify a person or office to whom communications should be directed


Max use
  1. 0200 Loop Mandatory
    Repeat 9999
    1. To reference a Bill of Lading line number

      The AT1 segment provides the line number for all of the related items included. It may include reference numbers, rates and charges, descriptions, and or line item details. Any data included within a single loop is related to the other data included in that loop. Any reference numbers included in a loop with line item details are related to that line item only. Any reference numbers included in its own line item are related to the entire shipment and can not be broken out by line item detail.
    2. To specify instructions in this business relationship or a reference number

    3. To specify Bill of Lading rates and charges

      Care should be taken when using the AT3 segment to provide the carrier with a pre-rated Bill of Lading. Rates and charges included on the Bill of Lading are subject to audit. Accessorial charges usually can not be determined before the shipment has been delivered, therefore use of this segment may not negate the requirement for transaction set 210, Freight Invoice and Details.
      The AT3 segment provides a means of transmitting freight charges and the basis for those charges. The amount of the charge appears in AT301. If the charge is based on a percent discount, the percent discount is transmitted in AT307 with the charge, after the discount has been applied, in AT301. If the charge is not based on a rating structure (per mile, per hundred weight, as weight etc.) the type of charge is identified in AT306. If the charge is based on a rate, the rate is transmitted in AT303 with the qualifier (per mile, per hundred weight) codified in AT302. If the quantity of the unit being rated is required AT305 is used in conjunction with AT304. For example, for a charge of $20.00 that is based on a rate of $1.00 per mile the segment would be as follows: AT3*2000*PM*1*MI*20 N/L.
    4. To specify the lading description

      Segment AT4 provides a means for the shipper to provide a text description of the line item. The National Motor Freight Classification and the freight class shall be included in the AT2 segment if applicable.
    5. 0210 Loop Optional
      Repeat 1
      1. To specify Bill of Lading quantity, weight, and commodity classification

        The AT2 segment is used to provide the carrier with the appropriate data to rate the shipment. It is included per line item when the line item includes an item of freight.
      2. To indicate identifying marks and numbers for shipping containers

        The MAN segment provides the marks and numbers associated with the line item identified in the AT2 segment.
      3. To specify the purchase order details for a shipment

        The SPO segment provides the purchase order numbers and details associated with the line item details included in the AT2 segment.
    6. 0220 Loop Optional
      Repeat 999999
      1. To reference a line number in a transaction set

        Loop 0220 shall only be used when the marks and numbers or the purchase order detail can not be associated with the specific Bill of Lading line item details included in the AT2 segments transmitted with this Bill of Lading.
      2. To indicate identifying marks and numbers for shipping containers

      3. To specify the purchase order details for a shipment

    7. 0230 Loop Optional
      Repeat 2
      1. To identify a person or office to whom communications should be directed

        The G61 segment shall only be used to provide the name and phone number of the contact for any hazardous materials included on this Bill of Lading.
      2. To specify instructions in this business relationship or a reference number

      3. To specify the name of the person certifying that the shipment complies with the regulations and/or the actual certification

      4. 0231 Loop Mandatory
        Repeat 25
        1. To specify the hazardous commodity identification reference number and quantity

        2. To specify the hazardous notation and endorsement information

        3. To specify the hazardous material shipping name and additional descriptive requirements

        4. To uniquely identify the variable information required by government regulation covering the transportation of hazardous material shipments

        5. To specify the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) information relating to shipments of hazardous material

        6. To specify additional Transport Canada requirements covering transportation of dangerous goods in Canada

        7. To specify the placard information required by the second government agency when shipment is to cross into another country

        8. To specify instructions in this business relationship or a reference number

  2. To indicate the end of the transaction set and provide the count of the transmitted segments (including the beginning (ST) and ending (SE) segments)

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